目的 探讨开胸术后留置尿管的患者提高拔管后首次排尿成功率的具体方法,减轻患者的不适感。方法 以2009 年5~11 月我科58 例开胸术后留置导尿管的患者作为对照组,采用医生晨间查房后立即拔除尿管;2010 年2 月~10月60 例开胸术后留置导尿管的患者作为研究组,采用晨间护理时夹闭尿管,待输液后病人有明显尿意时再拔除尿管。观察两组患者的首次排尿成功率、排尿后的舒适度及尿储留的发生率。结果 与对照组比较,研究组患者首次排尿成功率明显提高,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),主观不适感明显降低(P〈0.01)。结论 采用研究组的方法拔除尿管能明显提高开胸术后患者的首次排尿成功率。
开胸术; 尿管; 首次成功率
[Abstract] Objective discussion the method of how to enhance the first success rate of urination in patient who havethe thoracotomy ,which can reduce the discomfort of the patient. Methods The control group is the 58 patient between the May and November of 2009 in our Department of th thoracic surgery, These patients have the thoracicoperation and keep catheter ,in the groupwe can pull out the patient,s catheter immediately after the doctor,sadvice in morning .The study group is the 60 patient between the February and October of 2010 who have the thoracic operation and keep the catheter. In this group we close the catheter in the morning nurse, and pull out the catheter when the patient have urge to urinate. We observe the success rate of the first urinate. Results The result compare with the control group, The first urinate of the patient in the study group is improved obviously, the difference between the two
group has meaning about statistics(p<0.05), the uncomfortable is droped obviously(p<0.01). Conclusion we can improvethe patient,s success rate of the first urinate if we adopt the method in the study group.
[Keywords] Thoracotomy; Catheter; The success rate of the first urinate
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 1.2 方法
1.3 观察指标
1.4 统计学分析 2 结果
对照组拔尿管后排尿51 例,诱导排尿7例,诱导排尿失败后重新导尿4 例。实验组拔尿管后自然排尿57 例,诱导排尿3 例,无1 例重新导尿。实验组排尿成功率明显高于对照组(p﹤0.05),病人主观不适感明显减轻。
3 讨论 晨间查房时先夹闭病人的尿管,输液后病人尿液明显增多,在短时间内快速进入膀胱使之充盈,内压显著上升,对膀胱壁产生强烈刺激,病人产生强烈的尿意,在神经反射的支配下,引起腹肌、膈肌、膀胱逼尿肌强有力的收缩,此时拔除尿管,尿液在强大的腹内压下快速排出。病人无不适感,对尿道也起到一个冲洗作用。
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