毕业论文 作者:李锐 张晓航 张萍 华兴 郭燕丽 薛雅芳 陈朝辉
【关键词】 肝肿瘤; 超声造影; 彩色多普勒
Diagnostic value of realtime contrastenhanced ultrasound with low mechanical index in hepatocellular carcinoma misdiagnosed by contrastenhanced CT
【Key words】 Hepatocellular carcinoma; Ultrasonography; Color Doppler
1 资料和方法
1.1 1般资料
超声造影应用HDI5000型彩色多普勒超声仪,2~5 MHz宽频探头,具备脉冲反向谐波成像模式,机械指数范围可调节。采用SonoVue (Bracco Imaging B.V,Genevo Switzerland)超声造影剂,使用前注入生理盐水5 ml, 充分震荡至乳白色液体后抽出2.4 ml(浓度5 g/L,SF6),经患者肘部浅静脉团注,随之用5 ml生理盐水冲注。
1.3 统计学分析
2 结果
3 讨论
随着探头阵元数的提高和组织谐波、空间复合成像等新技术的应用,目前的高档超声仪可以检出肝脏内直径>0.2 cm的含液性病灶和直径>0.5 cm实质性病灶。但直径≤2 cm的小肝癌的病理变化多样,常伴有凝固性坏死、脂肪变、纤维化、肝窦扩张、包膜形成及内部分隔等,2维声像图改变常不典型,也不能准确反映其病理变化特征[4]。本组资料中≤2 cm的小肝癌2维超声显示病灶周边声晕仅11例,显示结中结征者8例,常规超声的声像图改变多数不典型,定性诊断价值较低。
[2]Li R, Guo YL, Hua X, et al. Characterization of focal liver lesions: comparison of pulseinversion harmonic contrastenhanced sonography with contrastenhanced CT. J Clinical ultrasound,2007,35(3):109-117.
[4]Kim KA, Lee WJ, Lim HK, et al. Small hepatocellular carcinoma: ultrasonographic findings and histopathologic correlation. Clin Imaging,2003,27(5):340-345.
[5]Kumada T, Nakano S, Toyoda H, et al. Assessment of tumor hemodynamics in small hepatocellular carcinoma: comparison of Doppler ultrasonography, angiographyassisted computed tomography, and pathological findings. Liver Int,2004,24(5):425-431.