
How to express your point abou

2019-01-31 14:27:24浏览:165评论:0 来源:山村网   
核心摘要:I hope the salary is 50,000 RMB per year. My salary requirement is in the $200,000-$350,000 range with appropriate benef

I hope the salary is 50,000 RMB per year.

My salary requirement is in the $200,000-$350,000 range with appropriate benefits.I would be willing to
relocate for the right opportunity.

The salary required is 18,000 per month,living in the house.

I got five thousand and five hundred per month.

I am willing to serve on trial for some months at a small salary.

I am quite willing to start with a small salary.

1. 依我看,虽然教师们薪水不高。
From my point of view, teachers are not well paid.

2. 我想跟她谈谈我的薪水问题。
I want to speak to her in the matter of my salary.

3. 这份工作唯其薪水尚可弥补一切之不足。
The sole redeeming feature of this job is the salary.

4. 她靠那麽一点儿薪水怎么过活?
How does she get by on such a small salary?

5. 我薪水的大部分都用来付房租了.
Most of my salary goes on/in (paying) rent.

6. 有人要给我一份更好的工作, 但薪水较低--我很为难, 不知如何是好.
I've been offered a better job but at a lower salary I'm in a quandary about what to do.

7. 这种工作责任重大, 这份薪水够高吗?
Is this a realistic salary for such a responsible job?

8. 他的薪水比起全国平均水平高出很多.
His salary vis-a-vis the national average is extremely high.





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