in the
|Paris |
|in the |
Paris +-------+
in the |Paris |
Spring|in the |
4、Picture类便有了 Picture operator |(const Picture&, const Picture&) 接口,用字符‘|’做两个Picture对象的横向合并,用Picture operator &(const Picture&,const Picture&)接口,用字符‘&’做纵向合并,当我们需要打印如下文字的时候:
|+------+ |
||Paris | |
||in the| |
||Spring| |
|+------+ |
|Paris +------+|
|in the|Paris ||
|Spring|in the||
| |Spring||
| +------+|
我们只需要一句 cout << frame(frame(p) & (p | frame(p))) << endl即可完成。
1 #include <iostream>
4 using namespace std;
6 class Picture
7 {
8 friend Picture frame(const Picture&); //加框
9 friend Picture operator&(const Picture&, const Picture&); //纵向合并
10 friend Picture operator|(const Picture&, const Picture&); //横向合并
11 friend ostream& operator << (ostream& o, const Picture& p);
12 private:
13 int height, width;
14 char* data;
15 char& position(int row, int col){
16 return data[row * width + col];
17 };
18 char position(int row, int col) const{
19 return data[row * width + col];
20 };
21 void copyblock(int,int,const Picture&);
22 public:
23 Picture() : height(0),width(0),data(0){};
24 Picture(const char* const*, int);
25 Picture(const Picture& );
26 ~Picture();
27 Picture& operator=(const Picture&);
28 static int max(int m, int n)
29 {
30 return m > n ? m : n;
31 };
32 void init(int h, int w);
33 void clear(int , int ,int ,int );
34 };
36 ostream&
37 operator << (ostream& o, const Picture& p)
38 {
39 for(int i = 0; i < p.height; ++i)
40 {
41 for(int j =0; j < p.width; ++j)
42 o << p.position(i,j);
43 o << endl;
44 }
45 return o;
46 };
49 void Picture::init(int h, int w)
50 {
51 height = h;
52 width = w;
53 data = new char[height * width];
54 };
56 Picture::Picture(const char* const* array, int n)
57 {
58 int w = 0;
59 int i ;
60 for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
61 w = Picture::max(w, strlen(array[i]));
62 init(n,w);
63 for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
64 {
65 const char* src = array[i];
66 int len = strlen(src);
67 int j = 0;
68 while(j < len)
69 {
70 position(i,j) = src[j];
71 ++j;
72 }
73 while(j < width)
74 {
75 position(i, j) = ' ';
76 ++j;
77 }
78 }
79 }
81 Picture::Picture(const Picture& p):
82 height(p.height), width(p.width),
83 data(new char[p.height * p.width])
84 {
85 copyblock(0,0,p);
86 }
88 Picture::~Picture()
89 {
90 delete []data;
91 }
93 Picture& Picture::operator=(const Picture& p)
94 {
95 if(this != &p)
96 {
97 delete []data;
98 init(p.height,p.width);
99 copyblock(0,0,p);
100 }
101 return *this;
102 }
104 void Picture::copyblock(int row,int col,const Picture& p)
105 {
106 for(int i =0; i < p.height; ++i)
107 {
108 for(int j =0; j < p.width; ++j)
109 position(i+row, j+col) = p.position(i,j);
110 }
111 }
113 void Picture::clear(int h1,int w1,int h2,int w2)
114 {
115 for(int r = h1; r < h2; ++r)
116 for(int c = w1; c < w2; ++c)
117 position(r,c) = ' ';
118 }
120 Picture frame(const Picture& p)
121 {
122 Picture r;
123 r.init(p.height + 2, p.width + 2);
124 for(int i = 1; i < r.height -1; ++i)
125 {
126 r.position(i,0) = '|';
127 r.position(i, r.width - 1) = '|';
128 }
129 for(int j = 1; j < r.width - 1; ++j)
130 {
131 r.position(0, j) = '-';
132 r.position(r.height - 1, j) = '-';
133 }
134 r.position(0, 0) = '+';
135 r.position(0, r.width-1) = '+';
136 r.position(r.height-1, 0)= '+';
137 r.position(r.height-1,r.width-1)='+';
138 r.copyblock(1,1,p);
139 return r;
140 }
142 Picture operator&(const Picture& p, const Picture& q)
143 {
144 Picture r;
145 r.init(p.height + q.height, Picture::max(p.width ,q.width));
146 r.clear(0,p.width,p.height,r.width);
147 r.clear(p.height,q.width,r.height,r.width);
148 r.copyblock(0,0,p);
149 r.copyblock(p.height,0,q);
150 return r;
151 }
153 Picture operator|(const Picture& p, const Picture& q)
154 {
155 Picture r;
156 r.init(Picture::max(p.height,q.height),p.width + q.width);
157 r.clear(p.height,0,r.height,q.width);
158 r.clear(q.height,p.width,r.height,r.width);
159 r.copyblock(0,0,p);
160 r.copyblock(0,p.width,q);
161 return r;
162 }
1 char *init[]= {"Paris","in the","Spring"};
2 Picture p(init,3);
3 cout << frame(frame(p) & (p | frame(p))) << endl;