删除 HaVip 实例
删除 HA VIP 实例.
HaVip 对象必须处于 Available 状态,才能删除;
仅当没有路由指向该 HaVip 实例,才能删除;
仅当该 HaVip 没有与 EIP 绑定时,才能删除;
名称 | 类型 | 是否必须 | 描述 | Action String 是 操作接口名,系统规定参数,取值:DeleteHaVip Regio
nId String 是 HaVip 实例所在的地域 HaVipId String 是 要删除的 HaVip 的 ID
错误代码 | 描述 | Http 状态码 | 语义 | InvalidRegionId.NotFound The Regio
nId provided does not exist in our records. 404 指定的 Regio
nId 不存在 MissingParameter The input parameter "$ParammeterName" that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. 400 缺少某个必选参数 InvalidHaVipId.NotFound The specified HaVip does not exist in the specified region. 404 指定的 HaVipId 不存在 IncorrectStatus HaVip can be deleted o
nly when it’s status is Available. 400 状态不符合要求。仅在 Available 状态下可以执行该操作。 DependencyViolation.HaVipReferedByRouteEntry HaVip cannot be deleted when it is refered by a route table entry as next hop. 400 当 HaVip 仍被某个路由条目引用(将 HaVip 当做下一跳目标)时,不能删除。 DependencyViolation.HaVipAssociatedWithEIP HaVip cannot be deleted when it is associated with a EIP. 400 当 HaVip 仍与某个 EIP 绑定时,不能删除;