

2019-03-09 11:50:19浏览:74 来源:山村网   
核心摘要:  出现如下提示时就可以开始网关的配置了:User Confirmation Requested  Do you want this machine to function as a networ

  出现如下提示时就可以开始网关的配置了:User Confirmation Requested

  Do you want this machine to function as a network gateway?

  [ Yes ]  No如果这台机器要作为本地网络和其它机器之间传送数据包的网关, 请选择 [ Yes ] 然后按 Enter。如果这台机器只是网络上的一个节点主,请选择 [ No ] 并按Enter 继续。

  出现如下提示时就可以开始网络服务的配置:User Confirmation Requested

  Do you want to configure inetd and the network services that it provides?

  Yes  [ No ]如果选择 [ No ] ,许多网络服务,如 telnetd 将不会启用。这表示远端用户将无法 telnet 进入这台机器。本机器上的用户还是可以 telnet到远端机器的。 这些服务可以在安装完成后修改/etc/inetd.conf 配置文件来启用它们。如果您想现在就配置这些网络服务,请选择[ Yes ] ,然后会看到下面的信息:User Confirmation Requested

  The Internet Super Server (inetd) allows a number of simple Internet

  services to be enabled, including finger, ftp and telnetd. Enabling

  these services may increase risk of security problems by increasing

  the exposure of your system.

  With this in mind, do you wish to enable inetd?

  [ Yes ]  No选择 [ Yes ] 继续。User Confirmation Requested

  inetd(8) relies on its configuration file, /etc/inetd.conf, to determine

  which of its Internet services will be available. The default FreeBSD

  inetd.conf(5) leaves all services disabled by default, so they must be

  specifically enabled in the configuration file before they will

  function, even once inetd(8) is enabled. Note that services for

  IPv6 must be separately enabled from IPv4 services.

  Select [Yes] now to invoke an editor on /etc/inetd.conf, or [No] to

  use the current settings.

  [ Yes ]  No选择 [ Yes ] 将允许您添加网络服务(将相应网络服务每行开头的#除掉即可)。

配置FreeBSD的网关和网络服务   三.联

  编辑 inetd.conf配置文件

  在加入您想启用的服务后,按下 Esc键会出现一个对话框可以让您离开以及保存修改。


CentOS 6.5系统VNC安装配置详解



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