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function MakeArray(n){
for(var i=1; i<=n; i++) this[i]=i-1;
return this
hex=new MakeArray(16);
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function ToHex(x){ // Changes a int to hex (in the range 0 to 255)
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return string;
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<font size="+2">
<p align="center"></font><strong><big><big><font color="#ff8000" face="幼圆">彩虹文字——文本渐变色</font></big></big></strong></p>
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<p><font face="幼圆" size="3" color="#00FFFF"> </font><font color="#00FF00"><font face="幼圆" size="3">
</font>请看上面这个例子,<font face="幼圆" size="3">一段文本,颜色均匀过渡,如同天空中雨后的彩虹,横过屏幕,十分赏心悦目,这种文本颜色均匀过渡的效果,你可能在photoshop等图形编辑软件里用到过,但现在,你也可以用到网页上了!</font>比起简单的文字,是不是更具煽情性</font><font color="#00FF00">。</font></p>
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