How is it doing?→→朗门样了?
What's up,man →→朗么回事,伙计
Come on!→→快些个!
Can you dig it?→→你搞清楚没得?
This girl is beautiful?→→这女的长得撇!
be over →→完哒
Where are you going? →→你到哪里起?
I am home →→我回来哒
Is that so →→这样嗦
Are you out of your mind →→你脑壳有问题
Oh, the little guy →→咿呀,这个咩咩娃儿啊
Can't wait →→等不及了
Drop it →→算哒
Mom, I want to shit!→→妈妈,我要窝巴巴。
Are you kidding me →→你在跟我开玩笑吧
It is not a big deal →→这不是很大的问题
That's good →→相当可以
You looks terrific →→你看起来蛮不错咧
He does things quickly →→三哈两哈就把事搞完哒
Try again →→再试哈子
Bullshit! →→日白
Take it easy!Let it go →→没得事得,等它起
1.Are you kidding me?你豁老子哦?
3.Long time no see.死哪儿切 了喃?那么久没qio到你了。
5.Don"t worry。虚啥子啊虚。
6.What do you want?你要爪子嘛?
7.I can not hold no longer.老子遭不住了。
9.She"s my girlfriend;wife.她是我老妞儿。
10.You are welcome.莫来头;说这些。
11.That"s awesome.简直巴适的板。
12.I have no idea.晓求不得。
13.A little.就那么滴滴儿。
14.I am sure.我呸死了。打包票。
15.What happened?啥子情况啥子情况?
16.It doesn"t make sense. 球名堂莫得。
17.It"s none of your business.管你娃球事啊?
18.What a hell? 浪么子搞起在勒。
19.Are you sure.儿豁??
20.Are u out of ur mind?你吃醉了所?
21.Rock paper scissors. 石千儿 。
22.I dont care.管我屁事啊。
23.Kick your ass. 给你娃儿两脚头哦。
24.Dark black。黢嘛黑 。
25.See you.空了吹。
26.Let"s go.撤飘。
27.Shut up.闹啥子。
29.You wanna piece of me.老子给你打燃火。
31.I got no money.老子分儿都 不分儿了