个来吧!→→ Come on!
揍事你!→→ kick ur ass
我擦!→→ That sucks!
拜恶痒人了→→ You make me sick!
拜闹了→→ Don't give me that!
白嘚瑟了→→Don't get high hat
你瞎捣鼓些什么!?→→ What the hell!
白彪了!→→ Don’t be stupid!
你脑子灌水了吧!→→ Are you out of your mind?!
稀溏着玩哪?→→ Are you kidding/joking?!
白胡龙(四声)俺!→→ Really?Serious?
彪死了!→→ You stupid jerk!
草鸡了!→→ I can’t take it anymore!
真不愿意跟你叨叨了!→→ I Surrender!
各应银!→→ What a bummer!
滚一边子其!→→ Get out!
安阳来 →→ Oh, my gosh!
舒坦 →→Comfortable
胡说八道 →→ Shoot the breeze!
跟个包子似的 →→ Don''t play possum!
小伙儿,你逮那奏生么? →→ What's up,man?
这个大闺女还挺浪来~→→山村阅读3lian.com/zl/转载请保留she is so beautiful!
呢个女的,就是他的噶活 →→ Look, That's the woman he has the affair with.
不用急,明天我找人给你摆平了它 →→ Take it easy. I will get someone fix ittommorrow.
脑袋(头)→→ head
波洛盖(膝盖)→→ knee
嘎巴 (胳膊)→→ arm
胰子(肥皂)→→ soap
不噶(鸽子)→→ dove
业乐盖(额头)→→ forehead
嘎啦(蛤蜊)→→ clam
厥(jǔo)(脚)→→ foot