1 选择场区。('Choose your end' )
2 准备好了吗?('Are you ready?')
3发球时,你没有击中球。('You missed the shuttle during service' )
4接发球员没准备好。('Receiver not ready' )
5你试图接发球了。('You attempted the return of service' )
6你不能干扰司线员。('You must not influence the line judge' )
7到这里来。('Come here' )
8这个球可以吗?('Is the shuttle OK?' )
9试球。('Test the shuttle' )
10换球(‘Change the shuttle’ )
11不换球。(‘Do not change the shuttle’ )
12重发球。(‘Play a let’ )
13交换场区。(‘Change ends’ )
14你们没有交换场区。(‘You did not change the ends' )
15 你从错误的发球区发球了。(‘You served from the wrong service court’)
16发球顺序错误。(‘You served out of turn’ )
17接发球顺序错误。(‘You received out of turn’ )
18不得改变球形。(‘You must not interfere with the shuttle’)
19 球触到你。(‘The shuttle touched you’ )
20 触网。(‘You touched the net’)
21你站错发球区。(‘You are standing In the wrong service court’ )
22 你干扰对方。(‘You distracted your opponent’)
23 教练员干扰对方。(‘Your coach distracted your opponent’ )
24 两次击球。(‘You hit the shuttle twice’ )
25 拖带球。(‘You slung the shuttle’ )
26侵入对方场区。(‘You invaded your opponent's court’)
27妨碍对方。(‘You obstructed your opponent’ )
28你要弃权吗?(‘Are you retiring?’)
29 接发球违例。(‘Fault-receiver’)
30 发球违例。(‘Service fault called’ )
31 延误发球,比赛必须连续。(‘Service delayed, play must be continuous’)
32比赛暂停。(‘Play is suspended’)
33 警告,……(运动员姓名)行为不端。(‘……’(name of player)‘warntng for misconduct’ )
34 违例,……(运动员姓名)行为不端。(‘……’(name。f player)‘fault for misconduct’ )
35 违例。(‘Fault’)
37司线员,做手势。(‘Line judge-signal’ )
38 发球裁判员,做手势。(‘Service judge-signal’ )
39 纠正,“界内”。(‘Correction IN’)
40纠正,“界外”。(‘Correction OUT’)
41 擦地板。(‘wipe the court’ )